Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS/PCOD) is a hormonal disorder common among women of reproductive age. PCOS/PCOD is an hormonal disorder causing enlarged ovaries with small cysts on the outer edges. Women with PCOS/PCOD may have infrequent or prolonged menstrual periods or excess male hormone (androgen) levels. The ovaries may develop numerous small collections of fluid (follicles) and fail to regularly release eggs.
1. Anxiety
2. Stress & strain
3. Depression
4. Perennial tension
5. Modern faulty lifestyle
Important signs and symptoms of PCOS/PCOD are as under:
1. Hair growth on the face and rest of the body
2. Abdominal bloating
3. Irritability
4. Miscarriage
5. Irregular MC
6. Ovarian cyst
7. Blood sugar imbalance
8. Muscles and bone enlargement
9. Frequent mood swings
10. BP
11. Baldness
12. Dandruff
13. Acne, pimples and blemishes
14. Weight
15. Hair loss
1. Avoid coffee and alcohol.
2. Avoid junk, fast and processed foods
3. Take fresh foods and salads
4. Drink adequate water.
5. Avoid milk and milk products.
6. Take fresh foods and fresh vegetables
7. Practise yoga for PCOS/PCOD recovery.
Yoga plays important role in the prevention and management of polycystic ovarian syndrome. Yoga is one of the important refreshing and rejuvenating modalities which can contend and even root out stress completely. Since stress is playing important factor in exaggerating PCOS/PCOD, so yoga therapy is effective in PCOS/PCOD. Yoga poses such as asanas, relaxation exercises, pranayama and meditation are effective as stress buster. Yoga poses like asanas help to stretch the pelvic area and pranayama as well as meditation soothe the mind. Yoga helps to regulate the endocrine glands in the body thereby beneficial in balancing of hormones. Yoga is effective in keeping your ovary and uterus healthy along with solve the issues such as infertility, weight gain and psychological problems. There are many yoga postures, which are good for PCOD.
Some of the important Yoga postures are given below.
For any queries or Yoga Trainer booking feel free to call us!
Thanks & Regards
Pankaj Thakur
(Director and Founder)
Indira Gandhi Institute Of Yoga Services
Phone: 9999166524
www.igiyogservices.in (Parent website)
www.homeyogainstructor.in/ (Blog website)
www.yogatrainerhome.in/ (Blog website)
We provide yoga services in all life style disorders and wellbeing
Heart conditions that include diseased vessels, structural problems and blood clots.
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